Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lu Shang's F. Rod.

I have been fishing like mad lately and finally, through all the sweat and all the palm aches. All the stench and all the women (because women like fishermen), I have prevailed!

Testimonial? What? This.. this is nonsense! I asked not for their 2 gil! I did laugh, I'll give them that. [Sense of humor] [Found it!].

Though, in the end, it matters not. I am now the proud owner of the Lu Shang's F. Rod, and thats the way I like it! So, I suppose that is all this post can really consist of, being as how fishing moat carp is the only thing I've been doing the past 2ish weeks. Mwehehe.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


...I've been doing some fishing lately... moat carp fishing. I did at last decide that I'm going to spend the time fishing the 1o,ooo carp needed for my new Lu Shang's fishing rod. I will consider it an investment of time, and hopefully be able to make good money with it for compensation. I haven't been too worried about leveling my jobs lately. Not sure why, but this damn pole seems more important right now.

In some side info, I've been playing the classic FF games while fishin my fish. I was able to sweep through FF1 in 9 hours 48 minutes yesterday and I plan on beating FF2 either tonight or sometime tomorrow. Death to Chaos, the bring of the time loop!

Friday, July 10, 2009

With fishing, there is cooking.

So, we've gotten pretty far in the field of fish. It's gotten to the point where I almost do nothing but fish. So... I started cooking.

Now, I'm not exactly sure how fishing is gonna get high enough to catch some of the more profitable fishies without investing a lot of time into getting a new Lu Shangs rod. I can't decide on which method... do I fish 10,000 Carp, or do I farm/cook 3.5mil gil to buy one? Decisions, decisions! I know that eventually I'm just going to end up doing a bit of both. Oh well.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Promathia has been defeated. It took us multiple runs, with the first few tries including no main
healer; just Meek and I on Black Mage. Eventually, our Warrior (Taz) decided to come back as White Mage and the tables were instantly turned. With the ability to now haste our Paladin (Gray) and cast cures without the loss of nukage, we were able to pull the fight off on our next attempt.

Before all of this (I know I have not updated in a while... but that's what Meek is for!) we obviouslly had to complete all the previous missions. These included, but were not limited to: lots of travel, lots of wipes and lots of arguments.

After my last update we continued as normal doing as much as we could and even managed to get everyone in our party a Swift Belt in the meantime.

For the details, I'll skip the little shit. Here it is, in a nutshell; The Bugbby fight wasn't incredibly hard, but proved to be difficult considering we only had 5 members for it. The same
night, though before the Bugbby fight and after the Pso-Xja maze, our Paladin had to drop party due to over-consumption of alcohol. We ended up completing the fight and doing it a second time for him the next day, after the Snoll fight (which we also only had 5 members for). After all of this we continued to the airship fight... making our way that much closer to Sea, we didn't stop there.

Completing the Airship fight was extremely difficult and took much patience from everyone. We wiped countless times before finally getting down a strat that would work. This ended up being pure epic luck, as the fight caps @ 45 mins and our completion time was 44 min & 48 sec.
Cutscenes were next on our list, a couple-three NMs had some dealing to be dealt and we were off to Tenzen. His ass was whooped, of course, and we entered Sea.

Here is where things got interesting. Our Paladin, this time played by Lord, was drunk. We barely survived the 9 NMs we had to run through and slowly made our way up the Palace putting us onto mission 8-3. We rested, regrouped and knocked this out the following day along with the defeat of Promathia himself.

As for my fishing - it has been going great.
I've been making a small but steady income of gil while being able to skill up on higher capped fish now that I have reached the 30s. Currently, I'm sitting on Fishing 36 and Cooking 29. Once fishing is around 50-55 I'll jump into cooking a little more often and try for 84 ASAP in order to cook higher quality foods with the fishies that I pull up.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

4-3 and Runic

And we 5 maned 4-3! It was pretty hillarious toward the end, but it took a bit of frustration for everyone to loosen up. Once we figured out the problem with the party, well.. things just fell into place. First off all, Runic (who is not in the shot) came along for the run. Here's a little background; I met Runic in Lower Jeuno while I was looking for people needing to get CoP missions done. Apparently, he had been leading his own CoP linkshell for quite some time. Having already completed CoP himself I made the assumption that he's a decent guy with a "normal" attitude. Running on 4-3 w/ him proved otherwise. This person is the WORST paladin I have ever come across in all the times I have run into a shitty paladin. He recently did a swift belt run.. well {Hello!} why didn't you kill Gigas and Orcs on the way to Sac to lower your hate? Okay.. so I let it slide. Maybe he'll keep sneak. Nope. He agros on multiple occasions due to his stupidity and ends up basically casting Gravity on the entire party because he just sucks so much. By chance we make it 90% of the way through... he pulls the Runic card again and decides it'd be best to sit and heal DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF a doorway in which we JUST KILLED a Mummy and Lich (thank you, Cris) not 5 minutes beforehand. Anyhow.. Long story short - he dies for idk the how many'th time. He becomes angry, I call him a nub, he freaks and leaves while continuing to spam me with /tells about how much I am the nub and how much I "SUK".

So here we are in the middle of 4-3 with 5 people in the party and no paladin. "Wonderful!", I'm thinking. Well, as much sarcasm as I put into that thought, it ended up turning out as such. We made our way through Sac with no problems because all of us have 1 Fomor hate (no agro), find Old Professor Mariselle's drawer, bring him out and mop his ass up with almost no trouble. Our party setup was SAM, SAM, SAM, BLM, RDM and no one subbing ninja and a total of 3 poison potions to counter Sleepga II. Now... this just puts the icing on the cake.

Fuck Runic and fuck his poorly named arrogant mother fucking RunicLegacy LS. What on fucking earth was this fuck thinking when he named his LS? I mean.. come the fuck on! not only do you suck at paladin... but you utterly suck at naming a linkshell. Think about it, mang. This is an LS. People are going to be wearing this name over their heads for fuck's sake! And considering how much much of an ass-job you are when it comes to doing missions... {Thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass.}. Get a grip you fucking self centered twat! Oh, and before I forget, not 2 days ago Runic invited me to partake in a full alliance (18 people) Divine Might run where I was able to complete Zilart mission #14 and obtain my Bushinomimi earring. Now THAT is the icing on the fucking cake.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I wish fishing was a CoP mission

Sheesh! Hello, again! Once again, a lot has been going on. With less and less time to fish.. ; ; at least we're getting things done! CoP has been going pretty good for the most part. We've had a few fuck ups, wrong turns and small arguments; but all in all everyone is doing their part and we are moving along nicely. With 4-2 completed and 4-3 over halfway finished I can say that I am very proud of all the effort everyone is putting into completing CoP! With 4-2, we had to fight a fairly large dragon that Bahamut sicked on us after interfering w/ his plans. We did a few dry runs to see what we were up against. After everyone was comfortable and we discussed our strat it was a no loose situation. We mopped him up w/ only 1 death (the pld) that didn't even happen until the very last second of the battle. Diabolos was fun... but quite a pain. I ended up doing it a total of 3 times for different people.

In fishing news, I've reached fishing 26! And I have figured that @ 12k/stack w/ 14 stacks a day.. that comes out to 1.6mil/10days. This is good.. I should be able to have enough for a new Lu Shangs in no time. I'm still at a toss up if whether or not actually getting a new Shangs is going to be worth it... meh. I will have to decide later. As for now it's just gilz gilz gilz! Oh, and on a side note, I have reached 62 SAM^^ so far so good w/ all of that. Currently trying to get my AF gear accomplished while finding time to fish >>

Lime is going great with a fairly steady amount of members coming and going. We're now building a new group for yet a third promyvion run, with group #2 falling behind, yet to finish 2-3. I hope they are able to come up with a good schedule for everyone soon and have a chance to catch up! I've given leader over group #2 to our member Chingus, who now has the ability to post updates and schedules for his group. I figure this is going to help things stay organized and so far it's worked out great. I think he is being recognized as group leader now and everyone from group #2 is going to him instead of me for questions regarding their group times and dates. Very nice!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I've been pretty busy lately doin CoP missions with the linkshell. With group #1 currently moved onto 3-5 and group #2 about to knock out 2-3 to 3-5, I can say things are going pretty good. Though, I seem to be finding less and less time to fish. I'm gonna have to fit that damn pole in here somewhere.

For some details on the missions; we ended up going 1/12 on the 2-5 Mammet fight. Basically, there are 3 mobs to fight that all have the ability to change jobs at will. This problem was solveable by a thf w/ trotter boots kiting them around while the DDs picked em off 1 by 1. This problem was solved again the next day w/ 4 sam/nin, rdm and thf w/ trotters :P 1/1 on it that time. Hehehe. 3-3 is nothing but a couple uncapped NMs and some long walking. Easily soloable by almost all jobs @ 75. We're going to be running another 2-3 mission sometime today for group #2 that just finished promys. I'll be sure to take some better screen shots and post more specific events this time. Oh, and we ended up running into some 21-24hr NM bats while we were down in the aquaducts the first time.. ended up dropping a Chiroptera Dagger ^^ (which I won lot on). I'll probably end up offhanding this when I level Corsair >:D