Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I wish fishing was a CoP mission

Sheesh! Hello, again! Once again, a lot has been going on. With less and less time to fish.. ; ; at least we're getting things done! CoP has been going pretty good for the most part. We've had a few fuck ups, wrong turns and small arguments; but all in all everyone is doing their part and we are moving along nicely. With 4-2 completed and 4-3 over halfway finished I can say that I am very proud of all the effort everyone is putting into completing CoP! With 4-2, we had to fight a fairly large dragon that Bahamut sicked on us after interfering w/ his plans. We did a few dry runs to see what we were up against. After everyone was comfortable and we discussed our strat it was a no loose situation. We mopped him up w/ only 1 death (the pld) that didn't even happen until the very last second of the battle. Diabolos was fun... but quite a pain. I ended up doing it a total of 3 times for different people.

In fishing news, I've reached fishing 26! And I have figured that @ 12k/stack w/ 14 stacks a day.. that comes out to 1.6mil/10days. This is good.. I should be able to have enough for a new Lu Shangs in no time. I'm still at a toss up if whether or not actually getting a new Shangs is going to be worth it... meh. I will have to decide later. As for now it's just gilz gilz gilz! Oh, and on a side note, I have reached 62 SAM^^ so far so good w/ all of that. Currently trying to get my AF gear accomplished while finding time to fish >>

Lime is going great with a fairly steady amount of members coming and going. We're now building a new group for yet a third promyvion run, with group #2 falling behind, yet to finish 2-3. I hope they are able to come up with a good schedule for everyone soon and have a chance to catch up! I've given leader over group #2 to our member Chingus, who now has the ability to post updates and schedules for his group. I figure this is going to help things stay organized and so far it's worked out great. I think he is being recognized as group leader now and everyone from group #2 is going to him instead of me for questions regarding their group times and dates. Very nice!

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