Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The begining

Helloeth, chaps!

Tonight, I began my back and forth fishing expedition between Selbina and Mhaura.

I was able to catch a nice 5 stacks of these funny looking Nebimonite before getting sores on my
palms. These tiny fellas cap @ 27 so it's going to give me time to make a decent chunk of money to set aside for my new Lu Shangs as well as skill ups on the way. Meek and I agr
ee that with these selling @ 10k/stack and moat carp @ 4k/stack, it only seems logical to fish these for gil to buy stacks of carp. Right? right. The Tarus have spoken!

As an added bonus, during the trips I also happened upon:

The rides were short and sweet with the occasional Sea Horror trying to be tough. As 2x 75blm, Leek and Meek were able to take him down without much trouble.

Before I hit the ships, I handled my immediate short in gil nicely.
I participated in 6 KSNM30
runs with a friend of mine. Copycat was the choice he had made. I
got lucky on the first run with a /random of 886. After the run, as sloppy as it was the first time around, my chest at the end proved to be worth while.

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